AKS Ranch

Seedstock Gelbvieh Services

 Welcome to our website! With the arrival of a new baby at the end of 2023 I’ve been a little behind getting things up to date on here. We do have a great pen of red and black bulls and will have heifers for sale at the end of January, please get in touch if we can answer any questions for you.

We are a family in central Alberta raising Gelbvieh breeding stock and we hope you find what you’re looking for on our site. We love our Gelbvieh cows but we still have crossbred cows as well and firmly believe that keeping our boots grounded in the beef industry is an important key in producing breeding stock that works for beef producers. Our cows work hard to raise their calves on some pretty rough pasture without creep feed and we try to give them a good fair chance to re-breed but have a very low tolerance for those that don’t. It’s important that our cows calve easily, mother their babies with tight udders and stay sound on all four feet while being easy to work with so everyone stays safe.

If there’s anything we can help you with please don’t hesitate to reach out; Zander’s cell is 780-878-8187 and our email is akschultzranch@gmail.com, we look forward to talking about cows with you!